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Saturday, May. 26, 2012 - 6:13 p.m.

It must be National �Be an Asshole if You're a Guy� day today ... Hubby, who has the 1st of at least 2 (if not 3) surgery sessions this coming week, was bitching like a grumpy old man in the 1st store we hit this morning. You know, if they don't have what you want, bitching about it isn't going to change a damn thing, not even if you go on about it 5 times!

The grumpy old man routine was followed by the demanding, "I'm in charge" routine at another store. One woman a couple of aisles away even looked up with a surprised look on her face at one order Hubby gave.

Then we got home, and I helped to pull off a support sock that goes all the way up the leg. Hubby barked more orders, �Just pull it all the way down!� , �Hold my leg!�. Years ago, when I had surgery, and I asked for an ice pack after he got back from grocery shopping (not as in, RIGHT NOW), his response was, "God, you're a pain in the ass!" I reminded Hubby of that situation, and told him he was mean when I was the patient, and now that he's the patient, he's still being mean. I also reiterated that I don't have Olde German blood, or other ancestral traits that he does, and so he needs to knock off the orders, the bad attitude, and the general pain in the ass behavior because I will NOT enable it! I would like to hope that at least a little part of the message got through. Interestingly, he pretended to be asleep at various times I was passing by after that � the old, �if I distance myself, I shan�t have to deal with it� routine.

This all just goes to show that, you can better yourself educationally, but the chauvinism DNA will still come on through from time to time � you truly cannot make a silk purse from a sow�s ear.

Yours better for venting :-)
Paeggan OX


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